今年10月份,温州大虎打火机公司总经理周大虎以温州烟具协会 会长的名义,专程赴京参加全国工商联成立50周年的庆祝会,并作为代表发言。对于这位去年成功组织温州打火机厂商打赢了欧盟反倾销官司的商人,在这样的会议上发言并受到政府高层的接见,自然是一件荣耀的事。
In October this year, Zhou Dahu, general manager of Wenzhou Dahu Lighters Company, made a special trip to Beijing to participate in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. For this businessman who successfully organized Wenzhou lighter manufacturers last year to win the EU anti-dumping lawsuit, it is natural to be honored to speak at such a meeting and be interviewed by high-level government officials.