The television is playing such a show: a pile of firewood, began to slowly burn, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, the burning flame is like a dance, full of images ... ... not the party scene, it is not an accident, you Believe, the original intention of the show, is to let you see a bunch of firewood burning? Some viewers think the next picture will be an instant transfer, but also the audience that this is a special introduction to the properties of firewood, and viewers feel affirmative programs Buried in the burden, then or what is the special meaning. In fact, nothing is even more bizarre because the firewood burned for twenty-three hours and the television was broadcast live without any advertisements, no drama, no sound and no pictures of the firewood. From the start of lighting Until it is completely turned into a pile of dust. A new, seemingly “quirky” TV genre - Slow-tempo, boring live shows are being broadcast in the Nordic countries