笔者以祛风散寒,活血化瘀法治疗坐骨神经痛59例,疗效甚佳。一般服药数剂即可见效,介绍如下: 【方药组成】白芍12克、五加皮20克、制川乌9克、制草乌9克、制马钱子10克、木通10克、大血藤30克、木瓜15克、牛膝20克、醋炒土鳖10克、丝瓜络10克,水煎。两天服一剂,连服三剂。【病例介绍】例一,张××,男,工人。患“坐骨神经痛”已三年,常因感冒而加重。检查:左侧臀部,大腿后侧,小腿外侧均有明显压痛。直腿抬高试验:左侧30度,右侧60度。予上方:制马钱子减为5克、制川乌5克
The author treated 59 cases of sciatica with the method of dispelling cold and dispelling cold, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and the curative effect was very good. The general medication number can be effective, described as follows: [Formulation] 12 grams of white peony root, Wujiapi 20 grams, 9 grams of Chuanwu, 9 grams of Ukrainian system, system of Ma Zhongzi 10 grams, 10 grams of wood, 30 grams of blood cannabis, 15 grams of papaya, 20 grams of Achyranthes, 10 grams of vinegar and fried earthworms, loofah 10 grams, decoction. Take one dose on two days and take three doses. Case Introduction Case 1, Zhang X, male, worker. Suffering from “sciatica” has been for three years, often aggravated by a cold. Check: Left hip, back of thigh, and tenderness on the outside of the lower leg. Straight leg raising test: left 30 degrees, right 60 degrees. To the top: the system of Sekimanzi is reduced to 5 grams, and the system is made to Chuanwu 5 grams.