一提起延安,就会想起《延安颂》里“滚滚延河水,巍巍宝塔山”的熟悉旋律,就会想起诗人贺敬之《回延安》中“几回回梦里回延安,双手搂定宝塔山。千声万声呼唤你——母亲延安就在这里”的深情呼唤。根据省局党组的安排,8月10日-12日、17日-19日,全省烟草商业系统8 7名处级干部怀着对革命圣地、红色摇篮的憧憬和向往,分两期来到延安,开展了为期2天的党性锻炼。
When you mention Yan’an, you will be reminded of the familiar melody of “Yan’an Song” where you can “roll back the river and towering the pagoda.” You will recall the poet He Jingzhi’s “Return Yan’an” Pagoda Hill. Thousands of sound call you - mother Yan’an is here "affectionate call. According to the arrangement of the provincial party committee and the party, from August 10 to December 12 and from January 17 to March 19, 87 cadres at the tobacco business system in the province arrived in two phases with dreams and longing for the revolutionary sacred place and red cradle Yan’an, launched a two-day party sex workout.