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目的:总结青少年肥胖合并良性黑棘皮病患者的代谢特点,提高对该类疾病的认识。方法:114例青少年肥胖患者分为合并黑棘皮病组(病例组)及单纯肥胖组(对照组),在2组人群中进行基本生理、生化指标测定及口服葡萄糖耐量试验。采用新制定的中国儿童青少年人群≥10岁的代谢综合征(MetS)诊断标准(中国标准)计算MetS检出率并进行比较。结果:在114例青少年肥胖患者中合并黑棘皮病组46例(40.4%)及单纯肥胖组68(59.6%)其中合并黑棘皮病组体重指数、腰围等明显升高;空腹胰岛素及胰岛素抵抗指数明显升高。结论:在青少年肥胖人群中,超过1/3患儿合并黑棘皮病,黑棘皮病是严重肥胖及胰岛素抵抗的标志;黑棘皮病的发生与高胰岛素水平明显相关。 OBJECTIVE: To summarize the metabolic characteristics of adolescent obesity with benign acanthosis nigricans and to improve their understanding of such diseases. Methods: One hundred and fourteen adolescents with obesity were divided into acanthosis nigricans (case group) and simple obesity group (control group). The basic physiological and biochemical indexes and oral glucose tolerance test were performed in two groups. The MetS detection rate (MetS) diagnostic criteria (Chinese standard) of the newly enrolled children and adolescents aged 10 and above was calculated and compared. Results: In 114 adolescent obesity patients, 46 (40.4%) patients with acanthosis nigricans and 68 (59.6%) patients with simple obesity included body acuity index and waist circumference of patients with acanthosis nigricans. The fasting insulin and insulin resistance index Significantly increased. CONCLUSIONS: More than one third of children with acne are associated with acanthosis nigricans in obese adolescents. Acanthosis nigricans is a marker of severe obesity and insulin resistance. The incidence of acanthosis nigricans is significantly associated with high insulin levels.
帕金森病又叫“震颤麻痹”,俗称“抖抖病”,是除中风和痴呆外又一种严重影响中老年人生活质量的中枢神经系统疾病。本病于1817年由英国医学家詹姆士·帕金森首次发现,为纪念这位医学家,而将此病命名为“帕金森病”。1997年开始,每年的4月11日(帕氏生日)被确定为“世界帕金森病日”。  帕金森病症状表现  帕金森病从症状上看,患者可出现手足震颤、肌肉僵直、运动减少。  手足震颤,最先出现于肢体的远端,每
人类的视觉质量从某种程度上讲代表着人类的生命质量,失去了光明的人,其生命质量自然随之下降。关注爱护眼睛,追求光明,关注视觉质量,也会大大的提高其生活质量。  黄斑变性患者的感觉  假如人的眼睛是一台照相机,那么负责成像的底片就是视网膜,黄斑变性位于视网膜的中心,像个荧光粉一样黏附在视网膜的中间。其决定着人的光觉、形觉以及色觉,也是眼睛最为关键且最为敏感的部位。老年黄斑变性的发生正是因为老年人视网膜