作者报告了3例发生于软组织的良性骨软骨瘤。第1例男性,24岁,右足近足跟处跖侧可触及一肿物,病史近两年,症状为局部疼痛,行走时加重,无外伤史。X线检查发现右足有一约3.0 ×2.5cm大小的肿物,境界清楚,形状不规则。第2例男性,26岁,右足跟肿物6年,质硬,无痛,生长缓慢。X线检查发现右侧跟骨下软组织内有一约4.5×3.5cm大小、边界清楚、呈分叶状的肿物。第3例为13岁女孩,左踝可触及软组织包块5年,生长缓慢。X线平片显示软组织骨性肿物。以上3例
The authors reported three cases of benign osteochondroma that occurred in soft tissue. The first male, 24 years old, had a palpable mass on the radial side of the right foot near the heel, and had a history of nearly two years. His symptoms were local pain, heavier walking, and no history of trauma. The X-ray examination revealed that the right foot had a mass of about 3.0 × 2.5 cm in size, with a clear boundary and an irregular shape. The second case was a 26-year-old man with a right foot heel and mass for 6 years. He was stiff, painless, and grew slowly. X-ray examination revealed a size of approximately 4.5 x 3.5 cm in the subcalcaneal soft tissue on the right side with well defined lobulated lobes. The third case is a 13-year-old girl. The left palate can touch soft tissue mass for 5 years and grow slowly. X-rays showed soft tissue bony masses. The above 3 cases