“百年大计,教育为本。”可是在大人对孩子的教育过程中,常会出现一些棘手的问题,如本期辩题“曾子该不该杀这头猪”。 这头猪该不该杀,有一个前提——是否有利于孩子的成长,这也恰恰是正反双方激烈争论的焦点。正方辩友大多从信守诺言和榜样效应的角度出发,认为曾子应该杀掉这头猪,用自己的一言一行教育儿子,为儿子做出诚信的榜样,这样才有利于他的成长。而反方辩友则认为孩子太小,还不懂事,如果他要什么就给什么的话,极易使他形成一些不良习惯,这不但对他的成长有害无益,而且还会给家庭带来负担。六位选手唇枪舌剑,捉对厮杀,真可谓仁者见仁,智者见智。反方几位选手还以旁逸斜出之姿,出主意想方法,帮助曾子既守了信用,又不用牺牲掉一头猪,真够聪明。 最令人欣喜的是有几位选手还展露出他们幽默的一面。其实,智慧女神从来都是面带微笑的。但愿在以后的辩论中,大家都能松弛一点儿,自如一点儿,幽默一点儿。这样我们的80万读者就会在观战时,开心又开心。当然,我们更欢迎大家积极参与“辩论台”,在这里展示你的智慧、幽默和能言善辩的风采。 ·楚越·
“In the past 100 years, education has been the foundation.” But in adults’ education of children, there are often thorny problems, such as this issue of the debate “Zeng Tzu should not kill this pig”. This pig should not be killed, there is a precondition - whether it is conducive to the child’s growth, which is exactly the focus of the fierce debate between the pros and cons. Most of the defensive opponents from the point of view of keeping promises and role models, believe that Zengzi should kill the pig, use his words and deeds to educate his son, and establish a good example for his son. This will help his growth. The opposing side argues that the child is too young to be sensible. If he wants anything, he can easily create some bad habits. This will not only be detrimental to his growth, but will also burden the family. The six players are able to fight with each other, catching and killing the enemy. Some opponents of the opposing side also took a sideline attitude and emerged from the idea, helping Zengzi keep his credit without sacrificing a pig. He is smart enough. The most gratifying is that there are several players also show their humorous side. In fact, the goddess of wisdom has always been smiling. I hope everyone in the debate will relax a bit, feel comfortable, and be humorous. This way our 800,000 readers will be happy and happy while watching the game. Of course, we also welcome everyone to actively participate in the “Debate Taiwan” and show your wisdom, humor, and eloquent style here. ·Chu Vietnam