患者,男性,47岁。因肾移植术后11年,间歇发热1个月于2005年10月27日入院。发热以夜间明显,最高体温40℃。免疫抑制剂方案:环孢素50mg每天2次,强的松10mg每天1次,骁悉0.75每天3次。体格检查:T37.0℃,P80次/分钟,R18次/分钟,Bp120/80mm Hg。重度贫血貌,营养较差,心肺检查无异常发
Patient, male, 47 years old. Because of renal transplantation after 11 years, intermittent fever for 1 month on October 27, 2005 admission. Fever at night significantly, the maximum temperature of 40 ℃. Immunosuppressant program: Cyclosporine 50mg 2 times a day, prednisone 10mg 1 day, a small note 0.75 0.75 times a day. Physical examination: T37.0 ℃, P80 beats / min, R18 beats / min, Bp120 / 80mm Hg. Severe anemia appearance, poor nutrition, no abnormal heart and lung examination hair