Finding \\"Her Story\\"——from New Historicism's Perspective on Da Vinci Code

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《达·芬奇密码》自2003年问世以来,在全球掀起了一股“达.芬奇密码热”。这本融考古、推理、符号学和历史为一体的通俗小说,引发了一系列强烈的反响,形成了所谓的“达.芬奇密码现象”。目前,西方学者多把目光集中于小说极富争议性的宗教历史主题上;国内与之相关的文章,虽然对于文中体现的女性主义思想多有涉及,但是大多浅尝辄止。本文将运用新历史主义的分析方法,从《达.芬奇密码》创作时期所处的新时代运动背景,以及作品中倍受关注的历史颠覆性的重建出发,找寻女性的历史。以期正在进入一个崭新历史时期的人类重新恢复到平衡的状态。 “Da Vinci Code” since its inception in 2003, set off a “Da Vinci Code”. This popular novel integrating archeology, reasoning, semiotics and history has triggered a series of strong reactions and formed the so-called “da vinci code phenomenon.” At present, western scholars mostly focus on the highly controversial topic of religious history. The domestic articles related to them mostly cover the feminist thoughts embodied in the essay, but most of them try their best. This essay will use the new historical analysis method to find out the history of women from the background of the New Era movement during the creation period of Da Vinci Code and the historical disruptive reconstruction that has drawn much attention in her works. With a view to being restored to a balanced state, mankind is entering a new historical period.