近日,巴西专业拆除公司Comprex Ltda.担任拆除巴西圣埃斯皮里图州维多利亚市重要城区一座桥梁的施工方。出于环保考虑,拆除过程中产生的碎屑不能倒入桥下的水道中。因此,施工方必须制定特殊措施专门处理拆除产生的废料。Comprex选择了阿特拉斯·科普柯液压破碎锤和拆除设备中的多功能液压剪来完成此项作业。在施工现场,由于原有桥梁不能满足需要,因此在原有
Recently, Brazil specialized dismantling company Comprex Ltda. As the construction demolition of a bridge in the important city of Victoria in the state of Espirito Santo in Brazil. For environmental reasons, the debris generated during the demolition can not be poured into the watercourse under the bridge. Therefore, the construction side must formulate special measures to deal with the demolition of waste generated. Comprex chose Atlas Copco hydraulic breakers and multi-purpose hydraulic shears in its removal equipment to do the job. In the construction site, due to the original bridge can not meet the needs, so in the original