日本索尼公司从去年开始,采用对应聘毕业生的母校“不问、不说、不写”的“三不”招聘法,要求对应聘大学毕业生从接受各种考试、面试开始,直到公司宣布录用之前,一律不准了解其毕业院校的名称。对此,索尼公司负责人解释说,名牌大学的毕业生并不一定都能在社会上发挥才干,毕业生院校的名称往往防碍客观地评价应聘者,我们要的是能力,有点真本事的人。 翻开国内不少企业的招聘启事,不说没有“三不”这码事,“明码标价”的框框就很让人生畏:大专文化以上、助师以上职称、年龄不准超过一定岁数等等,少了任何一条你就不能算是“人才”,再好的“金子”连发光的机会也不给,而很少去过问、考察一下应聘者到底有多少真本事:搞报道的已发多少作品、什么档次;搞技术研究的有无专著、科技成果;
Since last year, Sony Corporation of Japan has adopted the “three noes” recruitment method of “do not ask, not say or write” for its alma mater, which requires graduates to apply for various types of examinations and interviews until the company announces. Before employment, the name of the college they graduated from is not allowed. In response to this, the person in charge of Sony explained that graduates of prestigious universities may not always be able to display their talents in society. The names of graduate schools often prevent them from objectively evaluating applicants. What we want is ability. People. Turning on the recruitment notices of many companies in China, we do not say that there is no such thing as “three noes”. The “marked price” box is daunting: there is a college education or above, a grade above a helping teacher, an age above a certain age, etc. No one can be considered “talent”. Even the best “gold” is not even given the opportunity to shine. It is rare to ask and examine how many talents the applicant has. How many works have been reported in the report? What are the grades; whether there are monographs and scientific and technological achievements in technical research;