脑膜胶质瘤病是一种罕见病。脑胶质细胞瘤在脑脊膜广泛播散可导致继发性脑膜胶质瘤病,其临床过程有一定特点,现报告1例: 男,30岁,因头痛三个月,视物不清,复视,腰骶部痛半月余于1985年5月24日入院。查体:神清,无发热,双视乳头水肿、出血,颈强,Kernig征阳性,骶尾部压痛,双小腿外侧皮肤痛觉减退。腰穿:压力1.56~3.92kPa,C.S.F蛋白2.55~4.31 g/L,糖0.71~3.6mmol/L,白细胞0.015~0.215×10~9/L,细胞学检查阴性,培养未发现抗酸杆菌,隐球菌阴性;脑室造影见左侧脑室前上方一2×1cm充盈缺损区,内有多数小钙化斑,脑血管造影未见异常;CT
Meningeal gliomatosis is a rare disease. Glioma in the wide dissemination of the cerebrospinal meningitis can lead to secondary gliomatosis, the clinical course has some characteristics, is reported in 1 case: male, 30 years old, due to headache for three months, depending on the material is not clear , Diplopia, lumbosacral pain more than half a month in May 24, 1985 admission. Physical examination: Shen Qing, no fever, bilateral papilloedema, bleeding, neck strong, Kernig sign positive, sacrococcygeal tenderness, lateral lower leg pain relief. Waist wear: pressure 1.56 ~ 3.92kPa, CSF protein 2.55 ~ 4.31 g / L, sugar 0.71 ~ 3.6mmol / L, white blood cells 0.015 ~ 0.215 × 10 ~ 9 / L, cytology negative, no acid-fast bacilli cultured found Coccus negative; ventricular angiography showed a 2 × 1cm above the left ventricular filling defect area, there are most small calcified plaques, cerebral angiography showed no abnormalities; CT