
来源 :四川农业学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lisakk
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1987年3月以“化杀”杂种(IR_(24)×紫圭、IR_(661)×紫圭、135×紫圭)F_1代种子和其4个亲本种子(含水量13%)为供试材料,用279Gy r-射线(f=0.93)进行辐照处理,以相应的未辐照种子作对照,分别播种、移栽,到幼穗分化期时消毒后在无菌条件下剥取幼穗,制成0.2~0.3厘米大小的外植体,分别接种到诱导培养基上进行暗培养,8~10天后各组均有部分外植体发生颗粒状、淡黄色的愈伤组织,到30天左右,愈伤组织多数是0.1~0.3厘米大的颗粒,结构致密,有部分聚集成0.3~0.5厘米大的块状,结构疏松,易散开成颗粒。30天时移至分化培养基中在26~28℃、光照9~10小时(光强2000勒克斯)条件下进行分化培养,4~5天后部份愈伤组织有的发生绿点,有的产生白色茸毛状新愈伤组织突起;8~10天后出现绿芽和根的分化,分化的绿芽有丛生。每块愈伤组织可分化出10个左右绿芽,少的仅 In March 1987, F1 hybrids (IR_ (24) × Ziwei, IR_ (661) × Ziwei, 135 × Ziwei) F1 seeds and their 4 parents seeds (water content 13%) were used as the test Materials, with 279Gy r-ray (f = 0.93) for irradiation, with the corresponding non-irradiated seeds as a control, respectively, sowing, transplanting, to young panicle during the period after disinfection under sterile conditions stripped ears , 0.2-0.3 cm explants were made and inoculated into induction medium for dark culture respectively. After 8 to 10 days, some explants in each group had granular and light yellow callus, and after 30 days , The majority of callus is 0.1 ~ 0.3 cm large particles, compact structure, some aggregated into 0.3 ~ 0.5 cm large block, loose structure, easy to spread into granules. 30 days to differentiation medium at 26 ~ 28 ℃, light 9 to 10 hours (light intensity 2000 lux) under the conditions of differentiation and culture, 4 to 5 days some of the callus some green spots occur, and some produce white Hairy new callus protrusions; 8 to 10 days after the emergence of green shoots and roots differentiation, differentiation of green shoots have clusters. Each callus can differentiate about 10 green shoots, less only
1. 毕加索 《马头》  2. 毕加索 《鸽子与豌豆》  3. 伦勃朗 《加利利海上的风暴》  4. 艾德华·蒙奇 《呐喊》  5. 梵高 《正开花的栗树枝》  6. 塞尚 《穿红背心的男孩》  7. 梵高 《离开尼厄嫩教堂》  8. 莱热 《静物与吊灯》  记得有一部很老的电影《纵横四海》(1991),周润发、张国荣和钟楚红,扮演了三个专偷艺术品的窃贼,走南闯北,专挑著名艺术品下手。电影中有一场
一、背景 自30年代经济大萧条后,加拿大政府于1944年通过了家庭补贴法案,此时保险企业须缴纳营业税及所得税,而保险产品则被视为纯保险工具,政府只对超出限额的年金保险在要
她很坚韧,她很迷人,她想让丈夫留给她的遗产能够不朽。她就是被暗杀的塞尔维亚准军事组织领导人阿尔坎的遗孀,现任贝尔格莱德奥比利奇的总裁。 2001年夏天,赫尔。南斯拉夫劲
高压锅胶垫损坏后,往往因买不到新的而耽误生产。在实践中,我采用橡胶板来做胶垫,效果很好。现以手提式灭菌锅为例:先将胶垫槽小心地清 Pressure cooker pads damaged, oft