鄂西土家族、苗族所聚居之深山,群岚叠翠,山溪溅珠,云蒸霞蔚,山歌缭绕,多鬼斧神工自然之佳景,非物华天宝、人杰地灵能道其万一。凡俗如我辈者,入之疑至世外桃源。陶然忘机处,因有鄂西五题。 题恩施龙麟宫 旧貌新颜出水洞,烟雨苍茫龙麟宫①。桨破寒水疑冬雪,石映霓虹起秋风。时见柱石化神仙②,不闻尘俗泛杂声。归路细雨洗群山,车如流水马如龙。 注:①龙麟宫旧称出水洞。②洞内各种奇景皆被导游小姐演绎为动人民族神话故事。 题利川腾龙洞
Western Hubei Tujia and Miao ethnic groups live in the mountains, group Lan Emerald, mountain splashed beads, cloud steamed Xia Wei, folk songs around, many gods natural good King, non-Huabao Tianbao, outstanding talent to its a case. As vulgar as my generation, into the suspicion Xanadu. Taoran forget machine, because there are five questions in western Hubei Province. The title of Shi Long Lin Palace old appearance new hole, Amidst the vast Dragon Palace ①. Suspected cold winter paddle suspected snow, stone Ying neon autumn. When I see column petrified fairy ②, do not smell the dusty pan noise. Homecoming rain wash mountains, such as running water horse such as dragon. Note: ① Dragon Palace formerly known as water hole. ② various wonders of the cave are interpreted by the tour guide as a moving mythological story. Teng Lichuan Tenglong hole