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菱塘乡是江苏省唯一的民族乡,它成立于1988年,位于江苏省扬州市的北郊,是东部地区回汉文化交融的典型。作为东部少有的民族聚居区,打造菱塘乡文化品牌具有重要的经济与文化意义,对于确立当地的文化品牌、拉动当地的社会经济效益、推动民族和谐发展均有促进作用。本文将简要针对菱塘乡的文化优势进行分析,指出其开展特色旅游的优势与对策,从而促进菱塘乡经济社会的更好发展。 Lingtang Township is the only ethnic township in Jiangsu Province. It was established in 1988 and located in the northern suburbs of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. It is a typical blend of Hui and Han cultures in the east. As a rare ethnic group in eastern part of China, building Lingtang culture brand has important economic and cultural significance. It plays a catalytic role in establishing local cultural brand, boosting local social and economic benefits and promoting national harmonious development. This article will briefly analyze the cultural advantages of Lingtang Township, and point out its advantages and countermeasures in developing tourism so as to promote the economic and social development of Lingtang Township.