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最近,八一电影制电厂摄制的巨片《大决战》第三部《平津战役》完成并在北京试映。至此,这部历时5年,投入巨大人力、物力和财力,共3部6集长约11小时的鸿篇巨制电影终于全部摄制完成。从去年“八·一”起,《大决战》前两部《辽沈战役》和《淮海战役》陆续在全国上映,以其气势磅礴、震撼人心的历史大事件、大场面、大制作,以及形神毕肖、真实生动的领袖群象,在观众中造成不小的轰动效应,并被专家们誉为电影史上不可多得的艺术精品。《大决战》第三部《平津战役》是否达到人们所期待的“青出于蓝”,在艺术上是否有新的发展和成就?3月7日,本刊编辑部与中国电影发行放映公司、中国电影周报社、八一电影编辑部联合举办《大决战·平津战役》电影观摩座谈会,与会的著名文艺和电影评论家、军事文学作家们给予这部影片很高的评价。专家们一致认为,《平津战役》不仅保持了大事件、大场面、大制作曲特点,而且在领袖群象的塑造上,尤其是对敌方主将的复杂心理刻画上,比之前两部有所创新和发展;从总体上看,影片中宏观的磅礴气势与局部的精细描画相得宜彰,艺术处理独具特色,有着强烈的艺术感染力。座谈会由本刊主编陈播和《中国电影周报》总编李文斌主持,八一电影制片厂厂长兼《大决战》摄制指挥肖穆《平津战役》首席导演韦廉介绍了影片的创作情况,丁峤、梁光弟、李准、于敏、程季华、胡可、付铎、奚姗姗、余倩、黄式宪、戴光晰、王树舜、陈思忖等在会上发言。《大决战》总导演李俊、《平津战役》编剧李平分等创作人员和解放军总政文化部电影处处长明振江等参加了座谈会。现将座谈会上的发言摘要整理如下: Recently, the third “Battle of Pingjin”, the blockbuster film of the Great Decisive Battle produced by the 81 movie power plant, completed and was previewed in Beijing. So far, this lasted 5 years, invested huge manpower, material and financial resources, a total of 3 6 sets of about 11 hours of the grand movie finally finished filming. Starting from the “8.1” last year, the first two LIAO SHI campaigns and the “Huai Hai Campaign” of the “Great Armageddon” have been released nationwide one after another. With its magnificent and stirring historical events, big scenes, big productions, As well as the gods and goddesses, real vivid leader group, causing no small sensation in the audience, and was praised as experts in the history of film rare art boutique. On March 7, the editorial department of this magazine and China Film Distribution Company, China Film Publishing House, China Film Publishing Company, China Film Publishing Company, The weekly newspaper and the August 1 Film Editing Department jointly organized a film viewing seminar on the “Battle of the Great Anti-Japanese War and the Battle of Pingjin”. The famous literary and film critics and movie writers attending the meeting gave the film a very high opinion. Experts agreed that the “Battle of Pingjin” not only maintained the characteristics of big events, big scenes and big production songs, but also made more efforts in shaping the leadership group imagery, especially the complex psychology portrayal of enemy masters, Innovation and development. On the whole, the grand and magnificent macro in the film should be matched with the fine detail in the local art. The art processing is unique and has a strong artistic appeal. The symposium was presided over by Chen Bian, chief editor of the journal, and Li Wenbin, editor in chief of China Film Weekly. Director of Bayi Film Studio and director of the “Great Decisive War” directed the film production of Xiao Mu’s “Pingjin Campaign” Ding Ding, Liang Guangdi, Li Zhun, Yu Min, Cheng Jihua, Hu Ke, Fu Duo, Xi Shanshan, Yu Qian, Huang Xixian, Dai Guangli, Wang Shushun and Chen Sijun made speeches at the conference. Li Jun, director of the “Great Decisive War” and Li Ping, a screenwriter of the “Pingjin Campaign,” and Ming Zhenjiang, director of the Film Department of the General Political Department of the People’s Liberation Army, attended the symposium. Now summarize the speeches at the forum as follows:
1.电影院—医生诊所 内景 夜/白天 电影院内正在放影一部老式黑白片,观众寥寥无几。银幕上是一间三十年代的医生诊所。一个病人连喊带叫,哀求女医生给她注射吗啡。病人美丽
(一)问:1993年度注册会计师全国统一考试何时举行? 答:财政部注册会计师考试委员会决定,1993年度注册会计师统一考试(以下简称“考试”)于1993年9月间举行。这是汲取1991年
1 江苏建湖县辛庄乡在贯彻国务院《农民承担费用和劳务管理条例》中,完善了管理监督机制,收到较好的效果。今年,全乡“两金一费”提留只占上年人均纯收入的4.7%,比上年净减4.