1937年 5月至 1938年 9月 ,正是苏军内部进行大规模清洗运动之时。伏罗希洛夫元帅在国防委员会的报告中称 ,“共挖出人民敌人四万多人” ,被镇压的各兵种高级军官达 6 0 0余人 ,被镇压的将军人数是五年卫国战争中所牺牲的将官人数的二倍。本文所描述的事件正是发生在这一大背景之下。主人公柳什科夫身为主管远东边区事务的行政长官、边区国家安全委员会政委 ,曾因在肃反和清洗运动中“功勋卓著”而受到青睐 ,后又担心自己也被清洗而在中苏边境满洲里地段出逃 ,成了日本关东军的走狗。在关东军的授意下他亲自组织并领导了代号为“熊”的暗杀斯大林的行动……
From May 1937 to September 1938, it was at the time of the large-scale cleaning movement inside the Soviet Army. Field Marshal Voroshilov claimed in the report of the National Defense Commission that “a total of more than 40,000 people and enemies were dug up.” There were over 60 senior military officers being suppressed in the army. The number of generals suppressed was five years of the Great Patriotic War Twice the number of officers to be sacrificed. The events described in this article happen exactly in this context. As the chief executive in charge of the affairs in the Far East, the political commissar of the Border Area National Security Council, the main character of the army, was favored by “meritorious service” in the campaign against suffrage and clean-up and was also concerned that he was also washed away on the Sino-Soviet border Manchuria lot to flee, became Japan’s Kwantung Army’s lackeys. At the command of the Kwantung Army, he personally organized and led the assassination of Stalin, code-named “Bear.”