Patient, female, 61 years old. Found a mass in the lower abdomen in April, no abdominal pain, diarrhea, only frequent urination, urgency, urgency, in the recent mass has obvious growth, and when there is a feeling of pain, check: lower abdomen micro Uplifted, and about 18 × 10cm size mass, hard, poor activity, no obvious tenderness, anal examination (-). Uterus attachment ambiguous and unclear. Color Doppler examination: in the pelvic cavity and a About 18 × 8.7 × 12.9cm mass clumps, the boundary is clear, the shape is irregular, the substantive echo is not homogeneous, and seen in four pieces of irregular fluid dark areas. Substantial color signals back to the flow of color, dynamic There are venous flow spectrum, arterial maximum flow rate of 0.12m / s. No color flow signal in the dark area of the liquid. Attached to the uterus and unclear. CDFI diagnosis: