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作为一名教育工作者,教书和育人不能脱离,必须联系在一起。教书就是要搞好教学工作,育人就是要培养学生正确的道德观、价值观和人生观——培养学生正确的思想。学生在毕业时思想上进与否是与班主任的工作分不开的。要做好学生的思想工作,必须做到:工作方法恰当;尊重、关心和爱护学生;关注问题学生,当好学生的“监督员”;培养学生自我管理的能力;开展好各种活动。 As an educator, teaching and educating can not be separated and must be linked together. Teaching is to do a good job in teaching, to educate students is to train students the correct moral values, values ​​and outlook on life - to develop students’ correct thinking. Students in the graduation, ideological progress or not, is inseparable from the class teacher’s work. To do a good job in students’ ideological work, we must: work properly; respect, care for and care for students; concern students, be good students, “supervisors”; develop student self-management skills; carry out various activities .