编辑同志: 笔者曾遇1例因自服双异丙吡胺导致心脏骤停患者,现报告如下: 患者男性,60岁。主因心慌、胸闷突然加重于1983年11月5日入院并被确诊为扩张型心肌病,心功能不全Ⅵ级。当时心电图提示:窦性心律,完全性左束枝传导阻滞,房性早搏及多源性室性早搏。经卧床休息、强心利尿及保护心功能等药物治疗,病情一度稳定。1990年2月20日出现心房颤动,心室率 120次/分,用西地兰0.6mg后,心室率控制在80次/分,但仍为房颤心律.病人急于转复心律,于1990年3月8日9时自服双异丙吡胺50mg,4小时后又服100mg,在第2次服药后1小时20分钟,病人短时间内晕厥3次,继而呼吸困
Edit comrades: I have met 1 case due to self-service bisopyriazine cardiac arrest patients, are as follows: Patients male, 60 years old. Mainly due to palpitation, chest tightness suddenly aggravated in November 5, 1983 was admitted to hospital and was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, cardiac insufficiency Ⅵ level. ECG was prompted: sinus rhythm, complete left bundle branch block, atrial premature beats and multi-ventricular premature beats. After bed rest, cardiac diuretic and cardiac protection and other drug treatment, the condition was stable. February 20, 1990 atrial fibrillation, ventricular rate 120 beats / min, with cedilanfil 0.6mg, ventricular rate control 80 beats / min, but still atrial fibrillation heart rhythm. At 9 o’clock on the March 8 since the service double dipyridolol 50mg, 4 hours after serving 100mg, 2 hours after taking 1 hour and 20 minutes, the patient syncope 3 times a short time, then breathing difficulties