1993年,和许多高科技人员一样,Dendrite国际公司财务副总裁ChuckWarczakowski也曾憧憬过PDA的未来。在Apple计算机公司推出Newton MessagePad后不久,Dendrite公司即着手一顶用Newton装备一家大型美国医药公司的试验性计划。但他们并没有开发出新的计算模式,得到的只是令人沮丧的客户机。Newton除了可用于存储日常约会和通信联络的信息以外,别的什么也不能干。该项目推出以后不到一年即被放弃。这个例子足以说明二、三年前PDA市场的概况。现在,随着微软公司WindowsE操作系统的即将问世,随着多家硬件厂商在Comdex‘96展会上纷纷宣布基于小型核心操作系统的手持PC,情况开始发生实质性的改变。这类新型便携电脑,准确些应该称之为手持PC(HPC)或个人组织器。新型
Like many techies in 1993, Chuck Warczakowski, vice president of finance at Dendrite International, also looked forward to the future of the PDA. Shortly after Apple Computer Inc. introduced the Newton MessagePad, Dendrite embarked on a pilot program to equip a large US pharmaceutical company with Newton. But they did not develop new computing models and got only frustrating clients. In addition to the information Newton can use to store daily appointments and communications, nothing else can do anything. The project was abandoned less than a year after its launch. This example is sufficient to explain the PDA market two or three years ago. With the upcoming release of Microsoft’s Windows® operating system, things are beginning to materially change as multiple hardware vendors announce handheld PCs based on a small core operating system at Comdex’96. These new laptops, more accurately, should be called handheld PCs (HPC) or personal organizers. New type