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各省、自治区、直辖市档案局,各计划单列市档案局,中央、国家机关档案部门,局属各单位: 国务院召开第九次全体会议,决定“今年下半年,要把行业的廉政建设放到重要位置上来抓。”8月23日,国务院召开了“加强廉政建设,纠正行业不正之风”电话会议,对这项工作作了具体部署,李鹏总理在会上作了重要讲话,要求中央国家机关和各级政府积极行动起来,把纠正行业不正之风摆在重要工作日程,采取坚决有力措施,切实抓出成效来。行业不正之风,是一种为广大干部群众所深恶痛绝的腐败现象,它已影响到党和政府与人民群众的关系。纠正行业不正之风,是党中央国务院为惩治腐败现象,加强廉政建设所采取的 Archives of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and archives of cities under separate state planning, the archives departments of central and state agencies are under the control of all units: the State Council held its 9th plenary session and decided that “the construction of an honest and clean government in the industry should be given prominence in the second half of this year Position. ”On August 23, the State Council held a conference on“ Strengthening the building of an honest and clean government and correcting unhealthy trends in the industry, ”and made concrete arrangements for this work. Premier Li Peng made an important speech at the meeting and demanded that the central state organs And all levels of government have taken active steps to put the rectification of unhealthy tendencies in the industry on an important work schedule and taken resolute and effective measures to earnestly grasp the achievements. The unhealthy tenure of the industry is a corrupt phenomenon hated by the masses of cadres and the masses. It has affected the relations between the party and the government and the people. Correcting unhealthy tendencies in the industry is a measure taken by the party Central Committee and the State Council to punish corruption and strengthen clean government building
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本刊讯以举办奥运为契机,充分发挥工会组织在构建和谐社会中的作用是日前昌平区政府与区总工会召开的联席会议的核心内容。 Our journal has the Olympic Games as an oppor
从1981年起,我订阅了《档案工作》,近10年来她给我在工作中增添了乐趣和激情,使我得到信息和指导。信息 1980年我因工作需要从事档案工作。开始由于是从零起步,故几年中一直