和歌山静子,1940年生于日本京都,毕业于武藏野美术大学设计系,毕业后在著名设计师、图画书作家堀内诚一主持的设计工作室“Ad Center”工作的同时,作为《我是国王》系列图画书的插图画家走进了儿童美术界。从20世纪90年代开始发表自编自画的低幼图画书,以拙朴的粗线条画风脍炙人口,创作的多部作品成为长销书。在繁忙的创作之余,和歌山静子会每年来几趟中国,与中国童书界的老朋友们交流。2013年4月,和歌山静子开始担任中日儿童文学美术交流中心会长,与中国的联系更加密切。我们在其访问东方娃娃杂志社时对其进行了专访。
He was born in Kyoto, Japan in 1940 and graduated from the Design Department of Musashino Art University. After graduation, he worked as a design studio “Ad Center ” by a famous designer and picture book writer Horie, Illustrator of the King "series of picture books entered the children’s art world. Since the 1990s, he has published self-made picture books of young and old type. His works have been well known for his simple and bold lines, and his works have become a long-seller book. In addition to the busy creation, Wakayama Juso will make several trips to China every year to communicate with the old friends of the Chinese children’s book industry. In April 2013, Wakayama Jingzi started as the president of the Children’s Literature and Art Exchange Center of China and Japan and has closer ties with China. We interviewed Oriental Doll Magazine when we visited it.