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在上一讲中,我们讨论了投票投资的原则和方法以及如何借助于基础分析方法选择正确的投资对象。但是,选择投资对象,仅仅是投资问题的一个方面,投资者还要正确地把握投资时机。就短期投资而言,庇如一个月以内的投资,在得到股息或红利以前,股票已被出售,因此,获得差价收益是这一投资的目的所在,这种旨在获得差价收益的股 In the previous lecture, we discussed the principles and methods of voting investment and how to choose the right investment target by means of basic analysis. However, choosing an investment target is only one aspect of the investment issue. Investors should also correctly grasp the investment timing. In the case of short-term investments, if the investment is covered within one month, the stock has been sold before the dividend or bonus can be obtained. Therefore, the purpose of this investment is to obtain the differential return. This type of investment
董丹迪系旗口镇曾屯村人,14岁,现就读于旗口镇第一初级中学八年级,共青团员。虽然她仅有14岁,但是她却有着和同龄人不一样的家庭,一副比同龄人更加坚强的肩膀。  董丹迪的父亲董强患有先天性眼疾,左眼完全失明,右眼白内障,稍微有些光感。虽然儿女双全,却根本看不到他们年轻可爱的脸庞,并失去独立生活的能力。  和许多同龄人一样,董丹迪多么希望她的母亲能够每天爱她疼她,但是这对于她来说根本就是一种奢望,因为