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我国的改革开放始于1978年,至2008年整整30年。它分为三个阶段。1978~1992年,经济体制改革:1978年中国开始对计划经济体制进行改革,1979年农村推广家庭联产承包责任制,1984年中国做出了经济体制改革的决定。1992~2001年,中国市场经济:1992年确立社会主义市场经济目标,形成总体开放格局;1996~2000年,宏观调控使经济软着陆;2001年跨入世界贸易组织大门。2001~2008年,入世后中国腾飞:入世五周年盘点,中国成长为全球第四大经济体;在中国经济转型的特殊背景下,奥运会成为中国经济腾飞的强劲引擎。实践证明,改革开放30年是中国经历历史性变革、取得历史性成就的30年,也是中国多个领域实现大发展、大跨越的30年。30年的光辉历程,30年的沧桑巨变,中国经受了各种考验,谱写了许多壮美华章。而今,她正以前所未有的激情,昂首阔步,迈向未来!生于20世纪90年代的同学们,有幸亲历了中国的改革开放,见证了中国的迅猛腾飞。今后,同学们必定会成为中国乃至世界的生力军。那么,大家作为祖国的未来,该怎样续写以后的诗篇?为了纪念改革开放30年,本期特别为大家提供一个倾诉千言万语的园地,感谢大家踊跃参加! Our country’s reform and opening up began in 1978 and lasted for a full 30 years in 2008. It is divided into three phases. From 1978 to 1992, the economic system reform: In 1978, China began to reform the planned economy system. In 1979, rural households extended household contract responsibility system. In 1984, China made the decision on economic system reform. From 1992 to 2001, China’s market economy: Established a socialist market economy goal in 1992, forming an overall open pattern; from 1996 to 2000, macro-control made the economy a soft landing; in 2001, it entered the door of the World Trade Organization. From 2001 to 2008, after China’s accession to the WTO, China took off: China entered the fifth anniversary of its WTO entry. China has grown into the fourth largest economy in the world. Under the special background of China’s economic restructuring, the Olympic Games has become a powerful engine for China’s economic growth. Practice has proved that the 30 years of reform and opening up have been 30 years in which China has undergone historic changes and achieved historic achievements, and it has also been a 30-year period in which China has achieved large-scale development and large-scale leapfrogging in various fields. In the glorious history of 30 years and the vicissitudes of the past 30 years, China has withstood various tests and has written many magnificent chapters. Today, she is striding forward with unprecedented passion and striding towards the future! Students born in the 1990s have had the honor to experience China’s reform and opening up and witness the rapid growth of China. In the future, the students will surely become the new force in China and the world. Then, as the future of the motherland, how do we continue to write the future poems? To commemorate the 30 years of reform and opening up, this issue will provide everyone with a place to talk about a thousand words, thank you all for participating enthusiastically!
马团长最近可谓喜忧参半。喜的是,话剧被列入省里“振兴文化事业”财政支持候选单位之一,如果趁热打铁在两个月后的艺术节上能推出佳作,成功获得财政支持,今后团里的人员经费就有保障,可以专心于话剧的创作和演出;忧的是,剧团经费捉襟见肘,如何筹钱才能确保高水准的剧目编创和彩排呢?  一想到这些,马团长的鼻子就忍不住发酸。你要问城里的人,话剧团在哪儿,怎么走,保准都是一头雾水不知所以;你要问温泉度假疗养中心在
票房窗口被大纸板堵住,上面有字,指示观众到卖饮料和爆米花的柜台买电影票。这是艺术影院节省服务生的招儿。  “嘿,一杯茶。”  服务生招呼我说。我从来不买票,必买热茶,“一杯茶”是我在艺术影院的代号。  服务生拿着泡茶纸杯,穿过啤酒、糖豆、点心、冰激凌布置的彩色柜台,来到尽头,这里放着黑咖啡壶,浸在冰块中的白牛奶盒,各种茶叶袋,茶叶袋都带“纯天然”字样,来自非洲、亚洲、中东,好像艺术影院放的各国电影
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从来不曾想过这样的事件会发生在我们的家乡,发生在我们的身边。以前总是想:如果有出息,一定要离开这里。可是知道它不存在了,才发现它在我心里占了那么重要的位置。 Never