美国允许私人拥有武器,正是看中了这个巨大的市场,美国的轻武器制造商几乎遍地都是。在这些厂商中,有的有着悠久的历史,如柯尔特、史密斯一韦森、雷明顿公司等,有的则是一些新兴的公司,如巴雷特公司等,本文所要介绍的这两支折叠武器的生产商——凯尔-泰柯公司(Kel-Tec)就属于后者。该公司成立于1991年,原本是一家机械工厂,1995 年开始生产轻武器,起初主要致力于研
The United States allows private ownership of weapons, it is fancy this huge market, the United States of light weapons manufacturers are almost everywhere. Some of these companies have a long history, such as Colt, Smith-Wesson, Remington, etc., while others are emerging companies, such as Barrett, etc., this article should introduce these two The latter is the maker of folded arms, Kel-Tec. Founded in 1991, the company was originally a machinery factory and began producing light weapons in 1995. Initially, it focused on research