豫南西平41个黑杨无性系5年生试验材料表明:参试黑杨无性系胸径、树高、材积差异达极显著水平,用综合座标法评定了它们的优劣,选择出4个优良无性系,它们的平均材积生长比现在生产中常用的4个品种平均值增加54 98%。
The 5-year experiment data of 41 black poplar clones in the south of Henan province showed that the differences of DBH, tree height and volume between clones of Populus princensis reached extremely significant level, and the merits of them were evaluated by the integrated coordinate method. Four excellent Clones, their average volume growth is 5498% more than the average of 4 varieties commonly used in production.