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中国古代剧场的发展演变历史很长。最初原始时期根基于交感巫术观念的宗教性模仿仪式歌舞,出于宗教氛围和巫术内容的需要,一般选择山林空地、崖壑坝坪等适合制造巫术气氛的自然地形举行,而其附近一定有峭壁岩石以便刻绘深含宗教意味的符号和图形,用以共同创造一个宗教氛围空间。到了农耕阶段,祭祀农事神明的拟态性乐舞 The development and evolution of ancient Chinese theater has a long history. Initially primitive period based on the concept of sympathetic witchcraft religious imitation ritual song and dance, out of religious and witchcraft content, the general choice of forest and woodland, cliffs and other suitable for making witchcraft atmosphere of the natural terrain, and in its vicinity There must be cliff rock in order to carve deep religious symbols and graphics to work together to create a religious atmosphere. To the farming stage, sacrificial ritual farming gods mimicry
【设计理念】  这是一节五年级自选教材古诗课。基于学生已有了不少学习古诗的经验,也接触过丰子恺的漫画,以及教材中的宋诗不多等因素,我选了四首宋诗进行主题式诗画学习。希望学生借助漫画,巩固并学会运用已经掌握的读诗方法,获得自主读古诗的快乐。  《惠崇春江晓景》环节,帮助学生复习古诗学习中通过不同视角进行体验的阅读策略;《游园不值》环节,让学生感受一诗两画的不同视角带来的不同情趣;《秋日田园杂兴》环节