说到执行力,许多人言必称《把信送给加西亚》。事实上,中国有一本书,不但写得比它早得多,而且故事比它更精彩、更生动、更能用来全面解说什么叫执行力。这本书就是《西游记》。 《西游记》中,唐僧师徒四人,跋山涉水十万八千里,历经十四寒暑,九九八十一难,承受了被妖魔鬼怪吃掉和饥饿、疾病的威胁,以及荣华富贵和美色诱惑的考验,终于不辱使命,取得真经,修成正果,成为千古佳话。他们的执行力何其了得,谁人可敌!
When it comes to execution, many people say that it is “sending the letter to Garcia.” In fact, China has a book that has not only written much earlier than it has, but also has a more exciting and vivid story than that and can be used to give a comprehensive explanation of what is meant by execution. This book is “Journey to the West.” In the Journey to the West, four monks and monks traveled thousands and thousands of miles across the mountain, after fourteen years of cold and hot, ninety-eighty-one difficulties, to be demons eat monsters and hunger, the threat of disease, and the wealth and beauty of temptation Test, and finally insubordinate mission, get the Scriptures, into a positive result, as the eternal story. How terrific their execution, who can be the enemy!