Description and Factors Affecting the Referral of Presumptive Tuberculosis Patients in China

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihaiyun718
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To describe and analyze the factors affecting the referral of presumptive tuberculosis patients between health-care facilities that are not affiliated with the National TB Control Program(NTP) and NTP-designated medical facilities in China, we carried out a retrospective study based on data collected in the Tuberculosis Information Management System in 2015. Out of 324,221 presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis(PTB) cases reported by non-NTP health-care facilities, 302,006(93.1%) reported cases successfully arrived at designated medical facilities and 22,215 cases(6.9%) were lost to follow-up. The arrival rate of presumptive cases among male patients(92.9%) was slightly lower than that among female ones(93.7%), and this difference is statistically significant. The majority(73.3%) of reported cases were local permanent residents. Migrants have a higher risk of being lost to follow-up compared with local residents(adjusted odds ratios 4.126 and 5.003, respectively). Compared with farmers and herdsmen, pre-school children, unemployed laborers, retirees, and people with other occupations(adjusted odds ratios 2.361, 1.274, 1.068, and 1.993, respectively) had higher rates of loss to follow-up during the referral and tracing processes. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the high referral rate of presumptive TB cases from non-NTP health-care facilities to designated medical facilities in China is due to implementation of effective active case identification strategies. In addition, migrant populations, pre-school children, unemployed laborers, and retirees were identified as high-risk groups that contribute to the loss to follow-up. To describe and analyze the factors affecting the referral of presumptive tuberculosis patients between health-care facilities that are not affiliated with the National TB Control Program (NTP) and NTP-designated medical facilities in China, we carried out a retrospective study based on data collected in the Tuberculosis Information Management System in 2015. Out of 324,221 reported cases successfully arrived at designated medical facilities and 22,215 cases (6.9%) were reported non-NTP health-care facilities, 302,006 (93.1%) were reported The arrival rate of presumptive cases among male patients (92.9%) was slightly lower than that among female ones (93.7%), and this difference was statistically significant. The majority (73.3%) of reported cases were local permanent residents. Migrants have a higher risk of being lost to follow-up compared with local residents (adjusted odds ratios 4.126 and 5.003, respectively). Compared with farmers and had higher rates of loss to follow-up during the referral and tracing processes. In conclusion, herdsmen, pre-school children, unemployed laborers, retirees, and people with other occupations (adjusted odds ratios 2.361, 1.274, 1.068, and 1.993, respectively) had higher rates of loss to follow-up during the referral and tracing processes. , this study demonstrates that the high referral rate of presumptive TB cases from non-NTP health-care facilities to designated medical facilities in China is due to implementation of effective active case identification strategies. In addition, migrant populations, pre-school children, unemployed laborers, and retirees were identified as high-risk groups that contribute to the loss to follow-up.
甲:“你结婚前零花钱多还是结婚后零花钱多?”  丙:“结婚后。”  甲:“你老婆这么好啊!”  丙:“是啊,她说我这人稳重、心细,硬币、毛票放我这里不会掉。”
目的 探讨脊髓硬膜外毛细血管脂肪瘤的特点、诊断及治疗.方法 分析首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经外科收治的2例脊髓毛细血管脂肪瘤患者的临床资料,并复习相关文献.结果 2
摘 要:中国陶瓷文化源远流长,甚至远古的陶制品及瓷器的创烧都与人们的生活密切相关。当代传承下来的与茶有关的器皿很少,中原地区陶瓷制品中适合沏茶的陶材料制品及能量产的陶茶具在市场上更少。中原地区的黄河流域盛产黄河澄砂泥,一直以来都用来制作澄砂泥砚,其烧制的茶具色彩丰富多彩,温润似玉,黄河澄砂泥材料的透气性与原材料中所含天然的对人体有益的矿物质元素都符合茶器皿的特性。作者通过多年的技术探索,逐步总结出
小时候,在一家乐器店第一次触碰到吉他,我便被它深深地吸引。记得自己当时拨动了几下琴弦,还装出一副大音乐家的样子,微眯双眼,陶醉其中。在我的脑海中,“吉他”这个词还很陌生,我却对它莫名地欢喜。那时,我才8岁。  上初二时,有一次无意间看到橱窗里的一把古典吉他,我的目光瞬间定格。我当时就站在那里一动不动,只顾着看那把吉他,差点被一辆自行车撞上。“我要学吉他,并且买下它!”我情不自禁地将心里话脱口而出。
摘 要:现代的设计创新中需要加入民间美术的理念,因为民间美术可以给设计创新带来新机遇。民间美术的创作理念,如天人合一、敢于创想、传统继承、工匠精神、寓意祥和等,都对设计创新影响颇深,为其提供不竭动力。天人合一的自然观使设计创新可持续发展,敢于创想使设计创新层出不穷,传统继承使设计创新更具有历史深度,工匠精神是设计师的职业素养,寓意吉祥使设计创新汲取正能量。民间美术与设计创新的融合既要继承传统又要创