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自11月16日上海营业税改征增值税试点实施办法发布以来,公司总部就在测算上海子公司从缴纳营业税改为缴纳增值税后税负的变化,打算根据测算结果适当调整上海子公司的业务。“总部设在北京的一家新技术开发公司的税务经理说。该税务经理告诉记者,他们公司主要从事技术 Since November 16, Shanghai Business Tax Reform levy VAT pilot implementation measures since the release of the head office in Shanghai subsidiary is measured from the business tax to pay VAT to pay tax changes, intends to adjust according to the calculation results of the Shanghai subsidiary’s business . ”Said the tax manager at a Beijing-based new technology development company that told reporters that their companies are mainly engaged in technology
目的 比较质子泵抑制剂雷贝拉唑 (Rab)与奥美拉唑 (Ome)对十二指肠球部溃疡 (DU)患者抑酸效果和夜间酸突破 (NAB)的影响及其与肝药酶S 美芬妥英羟化酶 (CYP2C19)基因型的关