The Junggar Basin evolved from the Junggar terrain. Pre-Cambrian crystalline basement of the Junggar terrane, at least formed before 800Ma. The basement of the Junggar Basin has a “double-layer structure” with a strong local thinning phenomenon. The entire Lower Paleozoic and Junggar have been characterized by stable evolution of the terrane, which experienced the coexistence of terrane and plate, After the three stages of shell abatement and the collage of terrane and plate evolve into basins. According to the stratigraphic stratigraphy of Junggar Basin and the progress of basin geology research, the formation and evolution of Junggar Basin are divided into six stages: (1) the stage of terrane formation; (2) the stage of terrane evolution; (3) , Plate collage, Junggar Basin rudiment forming stage; (4) foreland basin stage; (5) intracontinental depression stage; (6) regeneration foreland basin stage. The latter three stages are closely related to oil and gas.