应用免疫金法及电镜酶细胞化学法对HL─60细胞表面标志及细胞内髓过氧化物酶进行双标记,精确地显示出酶反应部位定位于 HL—60细胞的核模、粗面内质网池膜表面及嗜天青颗粒中,同时观察到粒细胞表面相关抗原的分布。
Double immunofluorescence and electron microscopy cytochemistry were used to double-label the surface markers of HL-60 cells and myeloperoxidase, which showed that the nuclear localization of the enzyme reaction site in HL-60 cells and the rough endoplasmic reticulum Mesh membrane surface and azurophilic granules, while the observed surface of granulocyte antigen-related distribution.