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用心倾听群众呼声才能找准问题、有的放矢。白山路街道党工委从了解群众疾苦,掌握群众需求入手,针对群众最关心的难点和热点问题,积极构建集“听民声、解民忧、集民智、办民事、聚民心”为一体的社情民意诉求解决平台。为进一步畅通群众表达意愿的渠道,建立和完善群众诉求和解决问题的机制,白山路街道党工委从去年8月份开始,全面推行以“民意随时表达、民情快速反映、民生需求及时解决”为主要内容的“社情民意恳谈会”工作机制。恳谈会每季度召开一次,特殊情况可随时召开,其目的就是要把矛盾化解在社区之 Intention to listen to the voices of the masses can identify the problem, targeted. The Party Committee of Baishan Road Street, starting from understanding the hardships of the masses and mastering the needs of the masses, has actively set up a set of “listening to the voices of the people, resolving the people’s worries, gathering wisdom, conducting civil affairs and gathering common people’s hearts” for the most difficult and hot issues the masses care about One of the social conditions and public opinion appeal to solve the platform. In order to further unblock the channels for the masses to express their wishes and establish and perfect the mechanism for the masses to solicit and solve the problems, the Party Committee of Baishan Road Street started in August last year and fully implemented the policy of expressing opinions at any time with “public opinion, reflecting promptly the public sentiment, ”As the main content “ social conditions and opinion forums ”working mechanism. Roundtable held once a quarter, special circumstances can be held at any time, its purpose is to resolve the contradictions in the community
There are prominent nonlinear characteristics that we hope for the semiconductor nano-clusters doped fiber. Refractive index of fiber core can be effectively ch
长期以来人们忽视了森林产品的非市场价值,从经济角度上来看, 这将导致保护森林资源的难度加大。本文在以前研究的基础之上,综合了恩格尔系数和逻辑斯谛曲线构造了补偿系数,
担任《粤剧大辞典》音乐分编和舞美分编主笔的蔡孝本,其专著《粤剧—中国国粹艺术读本》最近由中国文联出版社出版。图为该专著的封面。 Cai Xiaoben, the chief editor of