1 放养条件1.1 池塘条件池塘有水泥池和土池两种,前者防逃防渗漏效果好,后者成本低,池塘面积以10~25m2/只为宜,池深0.7~1m,池底辅以软泥20~30cm,并可添加石块、树根等,为黄鳝穴居生活提供条件;水源充足,水质无污染;相同的池子不得少于3个,视规模大小而定,以备暂
1 stocking conditions 1.1 pond conditions There are two types of ponds and soil pool ponds, the former anti-escaping anti-leakage effect is good, the latter low cost, the pond area of 10 ~ 25m2 / only suitable, pool depth 0.7 ~ 1m, Slime 20 ~ 30cm, and can add stones, roots, etc., for the eel cave living conditions; adequate water, water quality and pollution; the same pool of not less than 3, depending on the size may be for temporary