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2011年开春,万众期待已久的“新18号文”的出台,无疑为中国软件和信息服务业再续2010年的小阳春开了个好头。过去一年,IT业有两个现象让我们不得不说:在硬件方面,苹果iPhone4所带来的消费奇迹一度让2010年的中国IT业犹如打了鸡血般兴奋不已;在软件领域,全年超过1.2万亿元人民币的突破性收入同样也让中国的软件业为之雀跃。这样的数字饱含了中国上万家软件企业和诸多产业界人士不懈的努力和对未来发展的孜孜以求。软件服务业也因此广泛渗透到了国民经济中的各个领域,成为改造、提升传统产业,培育新兴产业,丰富人民文化生活的重要的基础性产业。随着互联网应用范围的扩大、应用层次的深化,信息技术发展与更替速度进一步加快,以云计算、物联网等为代表的新技术、新模式、新概念不断涌现,IT产业孕育着新的重大突破。软件技术也随之加快了向网络化、一体化、服务化、高融合的阶段发展,并逐步形成新的增长点。如此新兴的产业气象,也在孕育着新的产业机遇。“2010年度中国金软件、金服务评选活劲”也正是在此背景之下,于2010年12月1日正式拉开了帷幕。自1999年,《软件和信息服 Spring 2011, long-awaited “New No. 18,” the introduction of the undoubtedly for the Chinese software and information services to continue in 2010, a good start spring. In the past year, there are two phenomena in the IT industry that let us have to say: On the hardware side, the consumer miracle brought by Apple’s iPhone 4 once made China’s IT industry in 2010 feel like being beaten by blood. In the software field, Breakthrough income of more than 1.2 trillion yuan in the same year also make China’s software industry excited. This figure is full of tens of thousands of software companies in China and many industry professionals tireless efforts and diligent future development. As a result, the software service industry has penetrated into various fields in the national economy extensively and has become an important basic industry for transforming and upgrading traditional industries, nurturing new industries and enriching people’s cultural life. With the expansion of the scope of application of the Internet, the deepening of the application level, the further acceleration of the development and replacement of information technology, the emergence of new technologies, new models and new concepts represented by cloud computing and the Internet of Things. The IT industry has given birth to a new major breakthrough. Software technology has also accelerated the phase of network, integration, service and high integration, and gradually formed a new growth point. Such a new industry weather is also bred with new industry opportunities. “2010 China Golden Software, gold service live” is also in this context, on December 1, 2010 officially kicked off. Since 1999, "Software and Information Services
Windows Mobile应用程序商店的明天好过吗?种种迹象表明,未必。日前,微软宣布将于2012年5月9日正式关闭针对其上一代Window sMobile操作系统的Marketplace应用程序商店服务,
一、机构沿革: 正宁县档案馆1958年成立,归属县委秘书室。1958年12月,正宁、合水、宁县三县合并,档案移交宁县档案馆。1962年1月随机构分设而分开。“文革”期间,档案馆业务