【摘 要】
“We have sold what had tobe sold and phased outwhat had to be phasedout,” said Orient HomePresident ZhangHongwei sadly in 2005, on the eve of sell-ing 49 percent of the company’s shares toU.S.-based H
“We have sold what had tobe sold and phased outwhat had to be phasedout,” said Orient HomePresident ZhangHongwei sadly in 2005, on the eve of sell-ing 49 percent of the company’s shares toU.S.-based Home Depot.
The enormous Chinese market hasattracted the attention of increasingnumbers of the world’s Chinaexperts.
China was put in the spotlight in lateMay when the DominicanRepublic and Panama declaredthat toothpaste from the countrycontained diethylene glycol.
Ten years ago, a financial crisisstornmed through Asia, shaking thevery foundations of the regionaleconomy.
As one of the world’s fastest grow-ing economies with a 2-millionstrong army. China is the cynosureof the world’s eyes, and manywant to know what China’s risingmeans for the future of the world.
Ashutosh Jha, a journalist withDainik Jagran, one of India’s dailyHindi newspapers, was in China forthe first time this month with anIndian youth delegation.
The Beijing Organizing Committeefor the Games of the XXIXOlympiad (BOCOG) unveiled pic-tograms for the Beijing 2008Paralympic Gaines at the OlympicMedia Center on May 23, as part of a monthof pub
The life of Harry Potter’s creator J.K.Rowling reads like a novel itself,with her as a Cinderella type charac-ter going from rags to riches.
The Chinese central bank has neveracted so aggressively, yet its forcefulundertakings have had little impact onthe surging stock market.
Li Chenggui: I am optimistic aboutChina’s grain balance. China has painfulmemories about famine. Under this kind ofsocial psyche, pressure OB China’s grainsupply tends to be exaggerated, which oftentr
The most impressive view of HongKong still bears the name of tileBritish Empire. From atop VictoriaPeak, under sunshine or night sky,Victoria Bay remains a feast foe thevisitor’s eyes.