People are free, but people are always trapped in freedom. Apart from being controlled and ruled by the political relations, this state of non-freedom is still more fundamentally characterized by various kinds of functional relations that have infringed on the absolute and the independent nature of individuals and the relationship between people and people Into a variety of pure functional relationship between objects. Due to the relationship between rule and rule, people have lost all kinds of equal rights of freedom. Due to their being trapped in purely functional-utilitarian relationships, people have lost the transcendental power of breaking existing relations and have lost sight of the future beyond the present. . Therefore, human beings are not only required to be freed from political oppression, but also need to continuously liberate themselves from various functional relations in order to regain their freedom and return to themselves. Because of freedom, people can continue to liberate themselves, and because of liberation, they can continue to regain their freedom. An analysis of the universal love that Jesus and Confucius advocate will lead us to discover that it is precisely because of freedom that we are able to love others truly. True love (be it universal love or love of both sexes) acts as an act of liberating oneself and liberating others: liberating oneself from a hierarchy of superiority consisting of a limited number of things. If in the hierarchy of superiority decided by the worldly things, each person plays a certain function and plays a certain functional role, then when he gets out of this hierarchy, it means that he exits A variety of functional roles, no longer as a role - tool exists, but as a purpose of their own existence, that is, as his own existence. When Confucius and Jesus first established the universal love in human history as the law of absolute and universal relations of human beings, they were in fact initiating a liberation movement of mankind: from excessive blood ties, hierarchical relations, and racial divisions , As well as a variety of excessive functional dependencies. Just as human beings need to get rid of slavery through political emancipation and economic liberation, it is also necessary to realize, through universal love, the removal of the hierarchy of superiority decided by the worldly things in order to bring everyone back to his natural place, That is to return to his freedom - comfortable itself.