最近,作为“一种知识,实践以及信仰的综合体系”,传统生态知识(TEK)常见于其存在的社会背景(内涵)的描述之中。令人啼笑皆非的是近年来,这种理解科学问题的方法似乎仅用此术语“相互制约法”就可来概括(Berkes 1993,5)。TEK的社会内涵(背景)一方面是人们所持的宇宙论或者说是环境的全球观。本文讨论的正是这一方面,还有TEK所体现出的人们的信仰这一方面。为此,这里要谈到西双版纳自治州的布朗族。我参加了西双版纳生物圈保护区(XBR)勐养片村寨调查项目,我想更多地了解布朗族。最初在保护区调查了其中的两个布朗族村寨,从中我知道了布朗族对自然界的已有的认识。认识的核心就是深信任何自然现象都是拥有灵魂。在发掘布朗族TEK时,要考虑到的一个重要因素就是布朗族的传统信仰。这种信仰为各种实践提供了思想框架,也为行为规范的执行提供指导。
Recently, as a “comprehensive system of knowledge, practice and belief,” traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is common in the description of its existing social context (meaning). It is ironic that in recent years this method of understanding scientific problems seems to be generalized only by the term “law of mutual restraint” (Berkes 1993, 5). The social connotation (background) of TEK is on the one hand the universal view of the universe held by people or the environment. This article discusses exactly this aspect as well as the aspect of the people’s beliefs embodied by TEK. To this end, here to talk about the Bo Lang ethnic Autonomous Prefecture of Xishuangbanna. I participated in the investigation project of Meng Yang Village in XBR, and I would like to know more about the Blang Nationality. Initially two of the Brown villages in the reserve were investigated, from which I learned about the Brown’s existing understanding of nature. At the heart of understanding is the belief that any natural phenomenon has a soul. An important factor to consider when discovering the Brown family TEK is the Braun tradition. This belief provides the ideological framework for various practices and also provides guidance for the conduct of codes of conduct.