在知识经济时代 ,科学的迅速发展必将使宗教失去往日的巨大影响 ,但科学与宗教并非是此消彼长的关系。当今宗教在不少地区和国家的影响有所扩大 ,而在我国社会主义条件下 ,知识经济的到来不会引发大面积长时间的宗教升温。我国宗教将进一步向世俗化和现代化的方向发展 ;其信仰的功能有所减弱 ,文化的功能明显加强 ;各宗教之间出现相互交融、共同发展的趋势。今后对中国宗教的最大威胁主要来自境外的宗教渗透和邪教组织的破坏
In the age of knowledge-based economy, the rapid development of science will surely make religion lost its tremendous impact in the past. However, science and religion are not the result of this shift. The influence of religion in many areas and countries has been widened. Under the conditions of our socialism, the advent of a knowledge-based economy will not lead to a massive religious prolongation over a long period of time. The religions in our country will further develop in the direction of secularization and modernization; the functions of their beliefs will be weakened and the functions of culture will be markedly strengthened; and there will be a trend of mutual blending and common development among religions. The greatest threat to Chinese religion in the future will come mainly from the infiltration of religions abroad and the destruction of cult organizations