年高德劭的尹瘦石是我国著名的书画家。进入他的家,你会真切地感到那里是一个充满创造活力而又能修身养性的宁静的港湾。洵洵儒雅、神韵高淡的尹老洞彻人事而又不愠不火。当那尘封已久的记忆之门慢慢启开时,有关一个人命运的意蕴幽深、撩人心弦的历史便走入了你的心中…… 太平洋战争爆发后的1942年,23岁的尹瘦石结识了南社盟主柳亚子,并为柳画了那帧让他名声鹊起的传神肖像。此举出于对被画者嫉恶如仇、铮铮铁骨风范的敬仰。柳亚子则以颇为自负的诗句“忘年尔
In the year of Gao Dexu, Yin Shou-shih is a famous painter in our country. Into his home, you will truly feel there is a full of vitality and self-cultivation of the tranquil harbor.洵 洵 refined elegance, deep Yin Yun-dong Dong-chang thoroughgoing and unremarkable. When the long-awaited memory of the door slowly opened, the meaning of a person’s fate deep, sultry history into your heart ... ... 1942 after the Pacific War broke out, 23-year-old Yin thin stone get acquainted Liu Yazi, the leader of the South Alliance, painted the vivid portraits of Liu that made his fame. This move out of the envy of the painter, clank iron skull respect. Liu Yazi is quite conceited verse "forgetting Seoul