一、中国“大统计”学科研究的背景 中国统计学的研究始于本世纪初,大致可分为四个阶段:第一段从本世纪初到1949年中华人民共和国成立,是西方数理统计的引进与介绍阶段。这一时期统计学由日本传入中国,基本上是引进与介绍西方数理统计方法。由于中国当时统计刚刚起步。加上人才缺乏,国力薄弱以及政府对统计的不重视,虽有个别杰出统计学家达到国际先进水平,但整体水平较低。第二阶段是建国后至1978年峨嵋会议。社会经济统计建立与主导阶段。由于当时的政治经济形势和国际环境的影响,中国统计学研究无处不深深打上了原苏联关于统计学建立的烙印。因此,统计学在中国一直是作为经济学的分支学科,是经济学下属的数十个分支学科之一。1954年
I. Background of China’s “Big Statistics” Discipline Research Since the beginning of this century, the study of Chinese statistics has been divided into four stages: the first paragraph was established from the beginning of this century to the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, Introduction and introduction stage. Statistics from Japan during this period were introduced into China, basically introducing and introducing Western mathematical statistics. Since China was just beginning statistics. Coupled with the lack of qualified personnel, weak national strength and the government’s neglect of statistics, although some outstanding statisticians have reached the international advanced level, the overall level is rather low. The second stage was from the founding of the PRC to the Emei Conference in 1978. Socioeconomic Statistics Establishment and Leading Stage. Due to the political and economic situation at that time and the influence of the international environment, the study of Chinese statistics ubiquitously embraced the imprint of the former Soviet Union on the establishment of statistics. Therefore, statistics in China has always been as a branch of economics, economics is under the dozens of branch disciplines. 1954