新会葵扇 送清凉至人间的艺术

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“驱以葵扇风,熏以艾烟湿。”宋代诗人范成大的诗句,记录着一段古老的仲夏记忆。这段记忆从魏晋时期流传至今已1600多年了。在许多60后、70后生人的脑海中,还依稀记得儿时的夏夜里,老奶奶哼着摇篮曲、摇着葵扇送来的凉风。珠江三角洲的西南部的新会,是中国著名的“葵乡”所在。新会葵艺是汉族传统手工艺,历史悠久。据《新会县志》记载,1600年前的东晋时期,新会就有葵艺品的出现,由于其高超的造型艺术和精湛的编织技巧,并融会了编织、绣花、 “Driven by Kwai fan wind, smoke smoked Ai smoke.” “Poetry poet Fan Chengda poem, recorded an ancient memory of Midsummer. This memory has spread from the Wei and Jin Dynasties 1600 years. In many 60, after 70 people’s minds, but also vaguely remember the childhood of summer night, the grandma humming a lullaby, shake the cool fan sent to the sunflower. Xinhui in the southwest of the Pearl River Delta is China’s famous ”Kwai Heung“. Sunflower Kwai Yi Han Chinese traditional arts and crafts, has a long history. According to ”Xinhui County," records, 1600 years ago in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there will be a new art of Kwai art, due to its superb artistry and exquisite weaving skills, and integration of weaving, embroidery,