为加大渔业产业结构调整力度,实现水产养殖精品化、集约化、高效化,平度市水利水产局强化措施,积极推广大棚养鱼。去冬今春全市共发展养鱼大棚 35个, 4.5万米 2,总产商品鱼 750吨,鱼种 208万尾,实现产值 700万元,利润 100余万元。养殖品种也由以前的革胡子鲶“一统天下
In order to intensify the adjustment of the fishery industry structure and realize the fine, intensive and efficient aquaculture production, Pingdu City Bureau of Water Conservancy and Fisheries strengthened measures to actively promote greenhouses and fish culture. In the winter and spring of this year, a total of 35 fish farming greenhouses, 45,000 square meters, and 750 tons of total product fish have been developed in the city, with a total output of 7.0 million yuan and a profit of over 1 million yuan. Breed species also by the previous leather catfish "dominate the world