春季是麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹、水痘、流感等传染病的多发季节。体质较弱的幼儿很容易受到这些传染病病毒的侵袭而影响健康。怎样才能使幼儿避免受传染呢? 一、坚持晨检,做到早发现,早报告,早诊断,早治疗,早隔离。在晨检过程中,可以采用食醋喷喉(食醋与凉开水比例为4:10)。食醋能杀灭或抑制嗜碱性细菌和厌氧菌的滋长,杜绝细菌从呼吸道侵入。
Spring is the season of measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, flu and other infectious diseases. Weak children are vulnerable to the invasion of these infectious viruses and affect their health. How to make young children avoid being infected? First, adhere to the morning seizure, early detection, early report, early diagnosis, early treatment, early isolation. In the morning inspection process, you can use vinegar throat (vinegar and cold water ratio of 4:10). Vinegar can kill or inhibit the growth of basophilic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria, to prevent bacteria from invading the respiratory tract.