长尾黄鼠(Citellus undulatus Pall1778)在新疆境内见于西天山、阿勒泰山以及准噶尔阿拉套山。该鼠在天山分布广密度高,于一些地区同天山旱獭混栖。1956年后在天山北坡的精河县、乌苏县和南坡的尼勒克县多次自黄鼠分离到鼠疫菌,证实存在鼠间鼠疫流行。长尾黄鼠间鼠疫流行能否持续存在,是人们长期以来十分关心的问题之一。它同鼠疫监测及予防措施的制订有密切
Citellus undulatus Pall 1778 is found in the western Tianshan Mountains, the Aletai Mountains, and the Junggar Allahu Mountains in Xinjiang. The rat is widely distributed in the Tianshan Mountains, in some areas with the Tianshan Marmota mixed habitat. After 1956, several plague bacteria were isolated from the gonads in Jinghe County, Wusu County and Nilu County on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains, confirming the prevalence of plague in rats. Long-tailed shrew rat plague epidemic can continue to exist, is one of the people have long been one of the issues of great concern. It is closely related to the development of plague surveillance and preventive measures