什么样的人会成功? 这个问题看起来似乎很泛,很难以明确的予以回答。概括地说,通常人们会用下面的一些词来形容成功人士的特性:经验、学识、机遇、智慧、胆识、人际关系……然而,我们周围却总是有不少拥有其中大多数优秀品质的人才,长年在一个位置上停滞不前,是他
What kind of people will succeed? This question may seem very generic, it is difficult to be answered explicitly. In a nutshell, people often use the following words to describe the characteristics of successful people: experience, knowledge, opportunities, wisdom, courage, interpersonal relationships ... However, there are always many around us who have the most outstanding qualities Talent, for many years in a position of stagnation, is him