深秋钓鲫好方法 矶竿台钓

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“寒露”过后,气温水温迅速下降,近岸水体已不适合鱼类生长,鱼群为避寒都已潜入深水区。除非特别的晴好天气或地理环境特殊等因素,短手竿在这时已几乎无用武之地。这让我们这些平日里玩惯了悬坠钓的钓友有些无所适从。深秋以后需用长竿钓远钓深,那好,换长竿吧,可大多数人不习惯也不喜欢用——嫌其粗笨;换钓法吧,选择竿尖细软,弹性好的小海竿配小串钩,挂蚯蚓或成束红虫是个不错的选择,可因这种钓法的趣味性不浓,在长时间不上鱼的情况下有时是一种折磨。 After the “cold dew”, the temperature of the water temperature drops rapidly, the nearshore water body is not suitable for fish growth, and the fish swarm into the deep water area to avoid the cold. Unless the special fine weather or special geographical environment and other factors, short-hand pole at this time has almost no useless. This allows us to play these normally used to hanging fishing Diaoyu some confusion. Deep-seated after the need to use long-pole fishing to catch deep, that good, change long rod, but most people are not accustomed to do not like to use - too stupid; change fishing method, select the tip of the soft, flexible little sea pole With a small string of hooks, hanging earthworms or into a bunch of red worms is a good choice, but due to the fun of this fishing method is not concentrated, in the case of fish for a long time is sometimes a torture.