Example 1: Lee, male, 54 years old. Weight 62kg, height 1.60m. At 1: 20 in the morning of June 29, 1985, emergency admission was performed. Patients with rheumatic heart disease, aortic valve stenosis for nearly 30 years. At 20:00 on June 28, 1985, patients misused insulin by intramuscular “gamma globulin” at home. About 22:20, feel worried, chest tightness, precordial discomfort, sweating at the same time, pale, trembling limbs. Immediate sublingual nitroglycerin tablets, painkillers will be a piece of no relief of symptoms, and then disappear. 23:30 Suffering from a state of shallow coma, blood pressure 120 / 180mmHg, bilateral pupils and other large round, sensitive to light reflex. Breathing sounds of the lungs normal, heart rate 80 times, Qi heart, heart sounds strong, aortic valve auscultation area can be heard and three systolic murmur. belly