The method of debridement is a kind of therapy that disperses the lumps formed by phlegm and blood stasis by using the drugs that dissolve the phlegm. Qi is due to exogenous six kinky, or internal injuries, or physical weakness, resulting in qi block, “blood and body fluid is not clear, fumigation made of” pathological products. Congestion in the human tissues and organs can be a disease. For example, the occurrence of diseases such as cervical tinea, tinea corporis, carcasses, chylorrhea, chylorrhea, etc. are closely related to phlegm. Therefore, Zhu Danxi said: “The mortal body has a block, who are mostly squatting.” Zhang Shanlei also said; “outside the carbuncle and ulcers are often more evidence.” Therefore, phlegm method has become one of the common surgical methods. The author complied with the “old standard of disease”, “cause the cause of 痰 is the essence of this” and other ancient training, in the application of 祛痰 law